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In Memory of Katherine Sevenko (1899 - 1982)
In Memory of Katherine Sevenko (1899 - 1982)

Katherine Sevenko is on Sysoon. Personal Death record and Detailed information about the deceased person.(81011957) Share Your Memories and Sympathies and Join the Bereaved!
Date of Birth: ** November 1899
Date of Death: ** November 1982
Social Security Number (SSN): ***-40-9068 Why we show it?
(day* month, year - *Login or Sign-up to display full date) Died at Age: 82 years
Lived: 30305 days
Birth Anniversary: in 50 days more deceased born on this day
Death Anniversary: in 40 days more deceased died on this day
Address: United States of America (USA)

Другие сведения: покоится на одном из Арлингтонских кладбищ, Виргиния, США, рядом с Вашингтоном (Arlington, VA). 

Последнее известное место жительства:
Arlington, county (1990 pop. 170,936), N Va., across the Potomac River from Washington, D.C. Arlington is a residential and commercial suburb of Washington. Within its boundaries are Arlington National Cemetery; Arlington House, The Robert E. Lee Memorial; the Pentagon; the U.S. Marine Corps and Air Force memorials; Marymount Univ.; a campus of George Mason Univ.; and Ronald Reagan National Airport. Arlington has many federal facilities and major office developments as well as some industry, including printing and publishing, shipbuilding, and light manufacturing. http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Arlington

Арлингтон (англ. Arlington) — городской округ в США, пригород столицы США Вашингтона, на правом берегу реки Потомак. Аэропорт. Население 209 300 человек. Учреждения федерального правительства; военное ведомство США — Пентагон. Предприятия полиграфической промышленности, производство геофизических инструментов, строительных материалов.

C 1801 по 1920 год носил название округ Александрия; вместе с городом Александрия до 1846 года входил в состав федерального округа Колумбия, затем округ и отделившийся от него город были возвращены в состав штата Виргиния.

На Арлингтонском национальном кладбище похоронены солдаты, погибшие в 1-й и 2-й мировых войнах. В 1931 сооружён памятник «Могила неизвестного солдата». В 1963 похоронен президент США Джон Кеннеди, в 1968 — его брат, сенатор Р. Кеннеди.http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Арлингтон_(округ_Виргиния)

Katherine Sevenko family history & genealogy

Katherine Sevenko (1899 - 1982) was a member of the Sevenko family. Katherine was born on November 20, 1899. Katherine died on November 1982 at 83 years old.

Katherine Sevenko's last known residence is at Arlington, Arlington County, Virginia (Virginia), 22202.

We were able to locate a death record for Katherine Sevenko in the United States Social Security Master Death Index (SSDI). Katherine's social security number (SSN) is 561-XX-9068.

NameKatherine Sevenko
FamiliesSevenko family
BornNovember 20, 1899
DiedNovember 1982 (82 years old)
Last Known
Arlington, Arlington County, Virginia (Virginia), 22202
Social Security Death Record
SSN561-XX-9068 [ ? ]

Sevenko Death Records in the Social Security Death Index (SSDI)

(Results 1 - 1 of 1)


Katherine Sevenko

Born: 1899 Died: 1982
State of last residence: Virginia
State issued: California

1. Katherine SEVENKO - U.S. Social Security Death Index 
Birth: 20 Nov 1899  State Where Number was Issued: California  Death: Nov 1982

Katherine SEVENKO 
  Birth Date:20 Nov 1899 
  Death Date:Nov 1982 
  Social Security Number: 561-40-9068 
  State or Territory Where Number Was Issued: California
 Death Residence Localities
  ZIP Code:22202 
  Localities: Arlington, Arlington, Virginia
 Crystal City, Arlington, Virginia
 http://www.familysearch.org/Eng/Search/SSDI/individual_record.asp?recid=561409068&lds=3&region=-1&regionfriendly=&frompage=99Eads Station, Arlington, Virginia

Источник: http://www.sysoon.com/deceased/katherine-sevenko-237?seid=WR5A86VAKF2T7SC
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