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Sevenko Robert John

Sevenko Robert John.

DATE OF DEATH: 16 dec. 1990. AGE: 40.



       This page contains a list of individuals who have been laid to rest beneath the beautiful rolling aspen covered hills of the North Peace River District, British Columbia, Canada. It is vital that the details are accurate and that we have not left anyone out! If you can not locate your loved one in this list, or would like to learn more about the details we have on file for an individual or would like to make a correction, please contact us.

       This index was created by the North Peace Cemetery Seekers Committee on January 6, 2010 using the detailed databases from each cemetery. The information in the databases are from church records, cemetery records, headstones, obituaries, death certificates, diaries, family histories, and local history books. The printed and digital databases, and all related materials used for this project have been donated to the Fort St. John North Peace Museum, Fort St. John, B.C.


Категория: Мои статьи | Добавил: Белорус (16.01.2012)
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